Mind Caviar Fiction

Judith A. Saul has had two poems published in Symphonies of Words and in Emerald. She won the Editor's Choice Award from the Poetry International's annual contest. She is also a reviewer for TBR ("The Best Reviews") at Writerspace.com. Saul's short work has previously appeared in Mind Caviar. Judith is a grandmother with green eyes, silver hair, freckles and all else is subject to change without notice.

Email Judith A. Saul.

Time to Write

She lay back on the bed, her knee bent, her back arched, wearing a smile of pure lust on her face. He walked to the bed, his nude male body boldly proclaiming his readiness to match her lust.

"Mom," my youngest yelled, "Joey won't let me play with Nintendo."

"Joey, let your brother play and be quiet, you know I am trying to work in here."

He knelt one knee on the bed as he ran his hand up her inner thigh. Her legs spread wider and she raised her hips to...

"Mom, Jiggs just threw up on the carpet."

"Yuck! Mom, come here. It's so gross-- now he's licking it!"

Two hours later after dealing with a sick cat, the spot on the carpet, making lunch and fielding several phone calls, I was finally back to my work.

He took her nipple into his hot, wet mouth and with each suck, drew a deep reaction from her...

"Mom, I don't feel too good."

"Does your head hurt, honey?"

At that point I heard my youngest start to make that gagging noise that inevitably preludes vomiting. I jumped up, grabbed him and tried to make it to the bathroom. After calling the doctor and cleaning up my son, I started back to the computer. In passing, I looked at the clock. Damn! Time to start supper.

It was after nine. I had dealt with a sick cat; a sick child, laundry, supper and the kids were finally in bed for the night. I slumped on the couch. My editor would not be happy.

My darling husband sat down beside me and pulled me into his arms. His voice was deep and seductive as he said, "Honey, let's go to bed." After the day I had, sex was the last thing on my list. Still, it might help to put me in the right frame of mind. Hell, if I played my cards right I'd have thirty minutes of vigorous exercise and he would be rendered unconscious.

"Sure, sweetie, lets go. But, you get up with Joey if he gets sick again."

"Ok, baby, anything you say."

I lay back on the bed, knee bent, back arched and a smile of pure lust on my face... itching to find out how this chapter would finally end.

Copyright © 2002 Judith A. Saul. All rights reserved. Do not copy or post.

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