![]() "Mister" Mark Renton likes cherry tomatoes from the San Francisco farmer's market. He spends too much time instant messaging when he should be writing and/or working. Remind him of this if you run into him online. This is his second published piece in Mind Caviar and, at his current output, he's due a third some time in late 2005. Email Mark Renton. Warning: The following experimental prose deals with the sexual subject of "age play". Age play is a role-playing sexual act that is done between consenting adults. Often one partner plays an adult and one partner may play as an underage character. Sometimes both adults play together as underage characters. This scenario is enacted purely for the sake of experimenting with taboo fantasy and to create sexual arousal in a safe, sane and consensual environment. It in no way implies that either person may have pedophilic tendencies or desires. Some
people who have experienced sexual abuse in their past may find healing
through age play. For some people it may cause emotional stress and psychological
triggers. If you feel you may be unduly stressed by reading this piece,
please do not read further.
Daddy Loves Elizabeth (filthy age-play porn) Asleep. Asleep. Daddy is asleep. Daddy is asleep. Daddy is... <ring> asleep. Daddy <ring> is <ring> asleep. "Mmmmmhhhhhhhhh." Daddy mumbles. Still asleep. <ring> "Dmmmmlrmmmmclk" Damn alarm clock (half) thinks Daddy. <ring> Daddy rolls over. <ring ring> Daddy rolls back to the left. <ring ring ring> Daddy reaches out Clock somewhere Bedside table Smooth thigh-skin. <ring> Smooth thigh-clock. ? One eye half open head at 90 degrees to the world. <ring ring ring> Elizabeth is kneeling on the edge of the bed. White thighs. Naked wee girl. Intense eyes. <ring> Fingers flicking <ring ring ring> At the silver bell on clit-hood-ring. <ring ring ring> "Daddy!" Bell dangles in front of tight girl slit. Finger flick - <ring> Incidental contact. And - Elizabeth thinks - proximity to (somewhere.. under the covers lurks...) Daddycock Has Elizabeth's little groove aching for Not so incidental contact "Wakey, wakey, Daddy!" Glee Daddy is *not* alseep. Not awake. Just Coming into focus. Daddy could spank Elizabeth for this. Instead Daddy reaches out And grips wee bell between thumb and forefinger. To silence it. To pull down on it ever so slightly. (fingernail brushes across vulva a million tiny nerve endings sing) "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmbuff". Daddy groansmoanssleepynoisemakes. Elizabeth arches back. A wave
goes through her from shoulders tilted back to
"MmmmmmmmDaddy!" Glee. Daddy half asleep head on pillow. Slowly brushing fingernails Backs of fingers slipping over smooth girlskin. Elizabeth purrs. Bell rings - incidental contact. Daddy half asleep. Elizabeth back arched. Cunt thrust forward. Daddy petting kitty like a kitty cat. Daddycock swelling. Elizabeth wondering. Under the covers. It lives. Daddy slips a finger up. Into pink tight little Elizabethfuckhole. Elizabeth gasps for air. The covers lift somewhere down Daddy's sleepy torso. Daddy smiles. "Go, then!" Lifts the covers just a little. And Elizabeth darts under like a cat. Rumaging In the dark Make a den Hiding under the covers Climbing down Daddy's chest <ring ring> Bell tinkling Smooth skin sliding over Daddy's chest Knees and nipples collide As she slithers down towards THE PRIZE Daddycock rolling half-hard across lower tummy Like a homing beacon in the dark Hiding under the covers Daddy half awake Elizabeth 100% awake Fixated Little sleek body sliding Hands Grasping Mouth Planting big morning wakeup Daddycock kisses Then Open Lips stretched In the dark <ring> Bell tinkling Legs splayed over Daddy's chest Mouth on cock Junior schoolgirl 69 Daddy moaning half asleep half awake all hard Daddy struggling to get head off of pillow to stick Daddy tongie into Elizabethslit Give her a taste of her own medicine "Squeeeeeeee!" Daddycock muffles/does not muffle Elizabeth panicsquirm Daddy places hand On back of wee buff's neck Pushing her Headlong Onto (mouthstretch) Daddycock And Daddytongue Delves deep Swirling into a place As darkprivatesecret as underbedcoversdaddycocklurks And Elizabeth is Sprawled Squirming legs kicking Mouth full Cunt electric shock pink palace licked Bucking
both ends
Elizabeth In the dark Under the covers Dizzyspin Trapped Daddytongue delving into pink wet tight wee cunthole Elizabeth
thrashing for air
Daddyhands part bumcheeks Finger finds anus Airtight Delightful dizzy airtight Yet Thrashing in the dark And then bright light Passed out? No Covers tossed aside by Daddy Who pauses for a moment longer To enjoy the sight of little morning pest Mouthplugged
squiggling wriggling
*Pop* Wet
wet pop
Big gulping gasps "Daddy!" Indignant
excited indignant
"DADDY!!!" Almost shrieking Daddygrin Swept off of Daddy's chest with a sweeping arm like a ragdoll Rollover sleepydaddyhardcock On top No sky now All
Over and above Pressing down Cock
slicing into tonguewet bellringing babycunt
Daddy enormous inside Filling Stretching One
sudden thrust
in back of head
Farway/all in the moment babytalk And sleepy Daddy Thrusts in Elizabethunderdaddyfullofdaddyallfordaddy "Is *this* what little ringing bell girl wanted?" Naughty Daddy. Elizabeth could not answer if she wanted to. She just moans and moans. Everything vivid The smell of the sheets, the smell of Daddy Everything as far away as glimpses of ceiling Where the lights dance Somewhere Down the hallway The Sunday morning paper lies, ignored, unread, useless. Full of nothing. Unlike little Elizabeth Who at this very moment Is full of everything. All Daddy. All day. Copyright © 2003 Mark Renton. All Rights Reserved. Do not copy or post. ![]() Join Free-- Meet Real Men & Women
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