Alison Daniel
is an Australian poet. Her work has been published in many small presses
and anthologies in Australia, New Zealand and America. Online, her work
may be found in Absinthe Literary Review, Outsider Ink, Stirring,
Mentress Moon, Recursive Angels, Clean
Sheets and many other good journals.
Alison Daniel.
Entwined in their circular
Aphrodite's companion flirts
in a foreign
five star hotel where bed
and breakfast
is the afternoon he is attentive
to the mood of mille-feuille.
She lays herself bare for
him to soak
honeyed humidity wetting
his finger knuckles,
smearing his wrists, burning
his eyes,
her scent reminds him animal
juice is a cosmic
force to be shared with
the universe.
Their mouths, tongues and
lips savor
equivalent truths stretched
back like his foreskin,
the red tip of his cock
glistens with pre-seminal
fluid between her breasts,
his fingers
deep inside and drenched.
© 2002 Alison Daniel. All rights reserved. Do not copy or post.
Visceral Vertigo
The newspaper
falls from your lap
when your legs are carelessly
crossed and your feet
rest on the coffee table.
When I see you
I tilt my head and inhale
the memory of honey and
and that sleepy smile
scented by last last night
in bed.
I remember pale sunlight
catching us unaware of this
to touch and I want to touch
you again.
© 2002 Alison Daniel. All rights reserved. Do not copy or post.
The Sixth Day
The mystery of Eucharist
intensifies when she tastes
the sacrament on her tongue.
She says there's shivery
sparks at the center inside
her throat. It reminds her semi-
precious stones shine Mary
blue notes when they find her
squatting beside the Red
Sea. She's arguing with angels
about the aquamarine amulet,
the one kept between her breasts.
It warms her heart the same
way as packing her bags
after the sixth day of Adam
demanding silence when he yells
she's a bitch with owl's
feet all because he's mad
at her refusal to lie on
her back. It got to the stage
where Lilith uttered god's
name and ripped off the magical veil.
She heard timeless sounds
beyond the synapses
spinning a fire that licked
her spine with original flames.
In the bridal chamber: the
gospel illuminates the way
she embraces his tongue
when she's bearing down
and he's reaching their
existence with Passion
dissolving two into the
union of one.
© 2002 Alison Daniel. All rights reserved. Do not copy or post.
Sticky Fingers
To be careless taking advantage
of promises never made,
this embrace
will be one of many if I
tie you,
spread-eagled on the bed
while I prepare
Scene 1: Nod your head if
you understand
the slipperiness of oil
up and down your back.
Scene 2: My fingers are kneading
your neck. The strength
of your spine,
smooth edges like salt
or the wine I taste pressing
my lips
to your skin.
Scene 3: You can't see.
The blindfold is the fantasy
unveiling what I'm not going
to say
when my tongue is between
your legs.
Scene 4: I threaten to slap
your arse till my hand feels
than teasing the tip of
your cock.
Scene 5: Thigh high stockings
contrast with flesh when
I use
my fingers to open my labia.
Scene 6: I want you to see
my decisiveness is shot.
© 2002 Alison Daniel. All rights reserved. Do not copy or post.
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