Lust Notes
 dirty little musings from the mundane to the profound

 by jamie joy

spank me
Lust Notes March 2002

March 18, 2002 5:55 PM CST
excuseometer rating of  100
email me get well cards and lots of kisses

Forgive me. I have been miserably sick. Then I had to catch up on work. 

I have so many wonderful things to tell you, though. I must catch up soon. Be patient my pets. I love you all. And I promise some bawdy tales from New Orleans. Tomorrow night I'm dining like a Queen with some lovely sex-positive folks. Hope to create/live/experience, then tell, tales of our decadence.

Jamie Joy

Lust Notes February 2002

February 10, 2002 3:55 PM CST
lustometer rating of  666
email me eternal salvation
A Hell of a Time...

I'm on our sumptuous queen size bed, lying atop plush comforters and pillows with the most adorable bi boy (let's call him Howard) and my husband. I am a retro-goddess dressed like Marilyn doing a Bettie Page. The boys are dressed in short skirts and are both wearing jewel tone silk panties; their delicious hard cocks are outlined in lush detail, highlighted by the erotic sheen of the thin fabric. Their legs are both covered in stockings-- Hub in silky, nylon stay-ups, and Howard in fishnets adorned with black satin bows that encircle his upper thighs. They are kissing and I'm exploring some sensual caressing; legs and limbs are entangled, rubbing and softly entwined. As I join in on the scene, cocks, fingers, lips, tongues, are eventually put into every one of my wet orifices. My mind is sailing above our  trio as my body shivers through both near and full orgasm. I revel in sensory delights of taste, touch, visual beauty and sex-- experiencing sensations that come at me from surprising angles. I gasp, shudder and cry out in pale, little coos. 

How to get your own 
devilish dick... my evil twin, Greg Wharton, at suspect thoughts is running a February special on wicked sex toys.
The sound seems to come from somewhere else, from someone other than me. It originates in a place inside me that is meant for expression of the most primal kind-- expression of love, of bliss, of want. My body and mind roll in desire and fulfillment.

The doorbell rings. I insist that my husband get up to answer it. He's confused-- we're in the middle of ecstasy and intimacy, and I usually don't insist on such interruptions, much less allow anything to impose such a radical mood change in our love-making. He dresses quickly in boy clothes and dashes away still looking a bit stunned. 

The doorman delivers a package-- a special package I'd ordered for Valentine's day. The timing couldn't have been more appropriate or more on cue. I call hub to the bedroom, and while I lie in our new lover's arm, my husband opens the special gift. As he fondles the package, he stops to tell Howard that he's enjoyed him as a lover very much-- that it's been too long since he's had a long, smooth cock in his hands. I can't stop laughing.  In moments the package is opened and hub is holding another huge cock of a different kind. Inside is a hefty little devil made of pure silicone. 

He reaches in the drawer next to our bedside table. Howard holds me while husband inserts a red latex condom over our new toy. Soon a devil dildo is worked carefully into my hungry, dripping wet sex. I shudder, I sigh. It's big-- almost TOO big, but I adjust to the manual thrusts while Howard sucks my pale nipples as red as the devil himself. We linger in bed for hours as the day passes, still awake from the night before. We fuck in every position imaginable and then some.

* * *

I love to meet handsome, pleasant and open-minded people. I know it sounds cliche', but I don't think I'll ever forget the day & night I spent exploring dress-up and all the configurations of our erotic trio. Besides--  my inner thighs are still sore even a few days later. I didn't think I could manage the gymnastics I was put through.


I just love Mardi Gras!



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