Lust Notes
 dirty little musings from the mundane to the profound

 by jamie joy

spank me
All about  this weird page


It's a dirty little private Web diary by jamie joy created so she may have a place to misbehave and rant and be a total piggy slut should she so desire. It's more about personal expression than vanity. Lustometer ratings are completely arbitrary. Links open up into another window, and they are usually lots of fun, so click away! If you like you may email  jamie joy your dirty little comments, but she just might post them here. She'll update whenever she likes, but if you like this page please bookmark it (CONTROL + D) because she won't be linking it to her other sites. Is it real or is it fantasy? A bit of both, perhaps. This is private dirt, baby. No apologies, no excuses. Just dive in. 


I am unable to keep up with Lust Notes as I've been seriously ill for months.  Now that I am well-recovered in many ways,  we are moving, so I am swamped with packing and finding a new place to live.  I plan to return to this diary-keeping in the future, but I can't say when. 

Please enjoy my writing pages and any one of my three webzines online. They are all adult and all free. Please folow the links below.