"The nice thing about egotists is that they don't talk about other people."
~ Lucille S. Harper
Caviar features the Creme de la Creme of Erotic Fiction
Our Latest Unsolicited Recommendation & Praise: The Pleasure Chest, the original "sex toy boutique" since 1971 "I just found www.mindcaviar.com and loved it! We're always looking for new upbeat, sex-vital sites to recommend to our online customers.... The sex-positive approach of your site has the features we seek and desire. I think your site is fantastic. Your galleries are HOT and your sex-positive attitude is right-on target with our sensibilities." "Mindcaviar.com is a virtual cornucopia of sensual treats. Here you can read, look at, listen to and even bake erotica. Be sure to check out the no sugar, low-carb cheesecake recipe.... a sinner's dream come true." ~ Dan Lishner of Fall 2004 We are delighted to receive the Bi Men's Network Award ![]() for outstanding service to the global bisexual community as well as the GLBT community worldwide Fall 2004
Fall 2002 Unsolicited Review: Spectator Mag calls Mind Caviar "Erotic Brain Food" and then says: "... if you shoot over to Gatto's www.MindCaviar.com you can get lost [again] in rich, substantive stories, many of which have been picked up by Cleis, Circlet, and other anthology presses." Spring 2002 Unsolicited Review of the Anniversary 2002 Issue from Freddy and Eddy: "Mind Caviar is a site that stimulates the sexual through the temporal. With a focus on original writings, Mind Caviar also (unlike almost every other sex/erotica site) pays considerable attention to the OTHER senses and their relationship to sexuality, such as food, music, and art. As a passionate cook, I was quite impressed to see recipes that did, indeed, entice the senses. On another note, the Sex Advice column tackled a very difficult subject in Golden Showers (I'll let you read it yourself rather than summarize) and treated the question a lot more thoughtfully than I'd expect. Actually, I don't think I've seen the subject actually addressed before in an Internet advice column. If I had to define Mind Caviar in one word, it would be "original." Jamie Joy Gatto, the site's founder, seems to hit all the right notes and manages to find unique subjects and the short stories (in particular "Before He was Mine," by Isabelle Carruthers and "Tease," by Miranda Simone) kept me reading into the wee hours. Hope you will too. ~Freddy We have won the honor of an award for our cover art This award was sponsored by Critters Workshop, an on-line workshop/critique group for serious writers of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. While we don't publish sci-fi, Mind Caviar encourages quality submissions of erotic fantasy and dark erotica. We also publish erotic tragedies in our sister zine Ophelia's Muse. Spring 2001
Sandor Gardos, Ph.D. at About.com proclaims we are a: "Gorgeously lush site for intelligent erotica readers..." June 2001
you are looking for a classy, [non-hard] website on sexuality,
launched into the ezine universe is this worthy effort...
visual delight full of poetry, features, recipes and art.
Spring 2000
"Mind Caviar is a 'zine that will be worth checking out..." Pif Magazine "Food,
sex, literature and art, my favorite basket of goodies!"
Adrienne Benedicks at Erotica Readers Association "Highly recommends Mind Caviar."
Mind Caviar is a proud recipient of Pink Gladiolas Top Site TG Award of Excellence.
Mind Caviar
is a Mind Caviar Rated Quality and Original in Jane's Net Guide.
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